The ASC Advantage – Driving Better Patient-Physician Relationships

Posted May 24, 2024 under:

Relationships are built on trust and communication.

Focusing on specific procedures and creating a more intimate care setting allows ASCs to form stronger connections between patients and providers, resulting in a more effective and enjoyable experience.

The Benefits of ASCs for Patient-Physician Relationships

Learn how personalized care, improved communication, collaboration, streamlined procedures, and continuity of care contribute to better patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes.

Welcome to The ASC Advantage by SCA Health. This series will explore the many benefits of ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) in today’s healthcare landscape. In today’s article, we’ll explore some of the ways ASCs can improve relationships between patients and providers.

The need for genuine human connection has never been more important, especially in healthcare. Patients are seeking not just medical expertise but a sense of being heard, understood, and cared for by their healthcare providers. This is where ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) come in, offering a transformative approach to surgical care that prioritizes patient-physician relationships.

ASCs are specialized facilities designed to provide high-quality, cost-effective surgical care in an outpatient setting. By focusing on a specific set of procedures, ASCs can streamline processes, optimize resources, and create a more personalized experience for patients.

So, how exactly do ASCs enhance patient-physician relationships? Find out more below:

1. Personalized Care

ASCs have a unique advantage when it comes to providing personalized care. With a more focused scope of services and a smaller staff, ASCs can create a more intimate and less hectic environment. This setting allows physicians to spend more quality time with each patient, tailoring their approach to the individual’s needs and concerns. As a result, patients feel seen, heard, and cared for, fostering a greater sense of trust and partnership. This personalized experience complements patients’ individualized treatment plans and contributes to an overall positive patient experience.

2. Improved Communication

Empathetic and effective communication is the bedrock of any strong patient-physician relationship. With smaller patient volumes and staff sizes compared to hospitals, physicians working out of ASCs tend to have more flexible schedules. This potentially frees them up for more meaningful communication with patients—answering questions, explaining procedures, and addressing their concerns in depth. This open dialogue leads to better-informed patients who are more likely to understand and follow treatment plans.                                                                                                                                                                 

3. Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Hospitals often have larger teams with a wide range of specialties. In contrast, ASCs foster a unique type of collaboration among healthcare professionals focused on a specific set of procedures. This specialized approach allows surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and other specialists to collaborate in a highly coordinated and efficient manner.  

These small, multidisciplinary teams facilitate effective communication and knowledge sharing. Team members can easily consult with one another, share insights, and make quick decisions to optimize patient care. The collaborative environment of ASCs not only enhances the quality of care but also creates opportunities for continuous learning and improvement.

4. Streamlined Procedures

ASCs consistently achieve high levels of patient satisfaction by streamlining procedures, which leads to a more efficient and less stressful environment. Studies have consistently shown that patients who undergo procedures in ASCs report greater satisfaction with their care compared to those treated in hospital settings. Shorter wait times, lower costs, more provider attention, and a comfortable care environment also contribute to better patient satisfaction.

5. Continuity of Care

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) states, “Continuity of care is facilitated by a physician-led, team-based approach to health care. It reduces fragmentation of care and thus improves patient safety and quality of care.”

One of the most valuable aspects of the ASC model is the continuity of care it provides. Patients typically can work with the same physician and healthcare team throughout their surgical experience, from pre-op consultations to post-op follow-ups. This consistency can build trust, familiarity, and a sense of partnership. It also allows for better progress monitoring and early identification of any potential issues.


ASCs are transforming the surgical care landscape by fostering stronger, more collaborative relationships between patients and their healthcare providers. By offering personalized care, improving communication, encouraging multidisciplinary collaboration, streamlining procedures, and ensuring continuity of care, ASCs create an environment that prioritizes patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the ASC model serves as an excellent example of how prioritizing relationships can lead to a more effective and compassionate healthcare system.


BioMedCentral (BMC):

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ASC Association:

 SCA Health:;;

Queens Surgical Center:

American Academy of Family Physicians:

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