QUICK READ: Treatment for H. Pylori Lowers Risk for Stomach Cancer, Study Shows

Posted May 30, 2023 under:

Quick Reads

Could treatment for H. Pylori lead to decreased risk of stomach cancer for patients?

H. Pylori

Reducing Stomach Cancer Risk?

Could a bacteria treatment reduce a patient's risk for stomach cancer?

Read Time: 1 minute 30 seconds

What is it?: A May study led by Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) shows that the treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication significantly reduced a patient’s risk of stomach cancer at eight years follow-up.  

The Results: Study results revealed that those treated for H. Pylori reduced their risk of Noncardia gastric adenocarcinoma (NCGA) by approximately 63%. Additionally, this data showed similar results to previous studies, many of which occurred in Asia.

Notable Quotes:

See what study authors told Medscape Medical News on their findings:

“This study shows the potential for stomach cancer prevention in U.S. populations through H pylori screening and treatment.” – Dan Li, M.D., study investigator and gastroenterologist with the Kaiser Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, California.

“It (the study) is the first to show this effect in a large, diverse population in the US, where gastric cancer incidence is lower.” – Judith Kim, M.D., a gastroenterologist at NYU Langone Health.

The Details:

  • The study involved 716,567 KPNC members who underwent H. pylori testing and/or treatment from 1997-2015.
  • The subdistribution hazard ratio (sHR) for untreated individuals was 6.07. Treated individuals saw a reduced sHR at 2.68.
  • Roughly 30% of the American population is infected with H. pylori.
  • H. pylori, according to Li, is recognize as the number one known cause of stomach cancer.


Medscape: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/991653

Gastroenterology: https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(23)00695-9/fulltext

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