Quick Read: Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer Enabled by Staging Laparoscopy 

Posted Jul 11, 2023 under:

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June 29th article shows that staging laparoscopy improves the detection of pancreatic cancer.

Read time: 1 minute 15 seconds 

What is it: A June 29th article by the Mayo Clinic highlights a study published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. The research reveals that performing staging laparoscopy on patients newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer enables the detection of the spread and stage of the cancer. 

The Results: The study found that 1 in 5 patients who underwent this minimally invasive surgery for pancreatic cancer had cancer that spread to the liver or lining of the abdomen.  

Notable Quotes: “Pancreatic cancer is the least survivable of all cancers, and it spreads fast. So, to have this information if cancer has spread will benefit patients and help clinicians determine the right treatment for the patient as soon as possible.’’, says Mark Truty, M.D., surgical oncologist at the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, who led this research. 

The Details:  

  • The study evaluated data from more than 1000 patients from 2017 to 2021. 
  • Factors such as the patient’s age, tumor location, tumor size, and tumor markers (CA 19-9) in the blood enabled the identification of patients who were more likely to have cancer spread. 

When Should Laparoscopy Be Performed: “Based on these results, we recommend that staging laparoscopy be performed before starting chemotherapy in the majority of patients who have pancreatic cancer and are being considered for surgery,” says first author Hallbera Gudmundsdottir, M.D., general surgery resident and Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery Scholar.  

The findings from staging laparoscopy guide personalized treatment options, optimizing patient outcomes and enhancing overall quality of care.


Mayo Clinic: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/staging-pancreatic-cancer-early-with-minimally-invasive-surgery-shows-positive-results-in-patient-prognosis-mayo-clinic-study-finds/  

Yield of Staging Laparoscopy:  https://journals.lww.com/journalacs/Fulltext/2023/07000/Yield_of_Staging_Laparoscopy_for_Pancreatic_Cancer.6.aspx  

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