ASC Marketing 101 – Successful Video Marketing

Posted Mar 14, 2024 under:

Embracing Video

Video marketing has proven itself as a valuable tool, especially in patient communication efforts. Learn more about the tips and tricks to creating and executing a successful strategy.

ASC Marketing 101

Learn how to effectively utilize video marketing to improve your patient communication strategy.

Welcome to ASC Marketing 101 by SCA Health. This series will focus on aspects of marketing that you or your center can enact to improve public perception and patient satisfaction.

Are you looking for a new way to enhance your center’s marketing plan? Consider video marketing. Proper planning will allow your center can fully utilize this dynamic marketing avenue while connecting with a larger, more engaged audience.

Why Video?

You may be asking yourself, “Why video marketing? What can video bring to our center that traditional collaterals and emails cannot?”

Good question! Video marketing can be a powerful tool if utilized effectively. In fact, according to SocialPilot, video-based content will make up 82% of all internet traffic in 2024. By joining this growing community, your center can distribute a longer message more directly and in less time than traditional emails or text-only blog posts.

Your first thought maybe that video content has to live on a social platform, such as YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. While utilizing these platforms can be helpful, you can also expand your use to e-mails, digital collaterals, and your website.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

Delivering a Message

As discussed above, video marketing opens new doors for patient reach, retention, and education efforts. Studies have shown that viewers retain more of a message when watching a video than when reading regular text. states that viewers remember 95% of a message delivered through video, compared to just 10% through text. This deals with attention spans and the ability to hold viewers longer through video.

Creating or Maintaining an Identity

Your center has worked diligently to craft and maintain a reputation within your community. This can be based on quality, community service, hospitality, knowledge, etc. Video marketing allows you to utilize this identity fully and showcase these factors in a more engaging platform than a traditional email, blog, or social media post.

When editing or writing your message, crafting copy (text) showcasing your identity can be time-consuming. However, getting in front of a camera and speaking to a camera allows viewers to understand who you are and what your center stands for more quickly and effectively.

Best Places for Video Marketing Efforts

The truth is, there is no one “best place” to host your video content. The location of any particular piece of video content is dependent on its audience and its goal. For example, a center that has created a video describing the benefits of visiting their location for a colonoscopy may decide to include their piece in an education email sent to patients to be the best location. Similarly, a piece on the same subject discussing the benefits of a colonoscopy in general can also fit into an email. However, it may be better suited for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube.

Driving Leads

As mentioned above, viewers retain significantly more of a message when in video than from text. So why not use this to your advantage? Adding a call-to-action, or CTA, at the end of your video will help inspire patients to visit your location for necessary care.

Some examples of a CTA in a video format include:

  • “Call us today at (include center phone number).”
  • “Visit our website at (include center website URL).”
  • Interested in learning more? Visit (include center URL).”

A compelling CTA can help drive your message home with viewers and add an extra level of encouragement to learn more about your center or to visit.

Creating Your Video Content

After selecting your video topic, determining an audience, and deciding where your video will be posted, you can begin shooting your content.

As you work to create and edit your video, be sure to keep a few essential details in mind:


While research has shown that video holds a viewer’s attention for a more extended period compared to text, this does not mean that the attention span is unlimited. notes that most (60%) business/marketing-related video content is under 2 minutes long.

It is important to note that the length of your content should be adjusted depending on its purpose and where it will be housed. For example, if your center creates a video ad to target those in your community that will be housed on YouTube as an ad, it should be no more than 30 seconds. On the other hand, an education piece emailed to your current patient list can run for roughly 2 minutes or less, though shorter is typically better.


Keep in mind who you are targeting with your video. Are you working to bring in new physicians and patients, provide patient education, or serve another purpose? Creating a video outline or storyboarding before shooting your video will help keep your message clear and ensure it is delivered in its entirety to your audience.


Video marketing can add a fresh dynamic to your existing strategy. Its ability to reach larger audiences while conveying a message more effectively makes this approach a potentially valuable tool for your center.

Want to learn more about how SCA Health can assist your center? Click here.

Want to read more from our ASC Marketing 101 series? Check out past editions below:

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